Creating a Guest Record
A new record is created at the time of making a booking, either by yourself (telephone/virtual terminal) or the customer (online). But you can create a Guest Record independently of a booking by clicking on Guests in the left hand menu bar and then the New Guest button.Please Note: the email address is the primary identifier of the guest record.

Think of your Guest Records as a stored address book. If you amend any aspect of the guests details within a past, present or future booking it will update the Guest Record stored and also update/override all other bookings with the new details. So changing the email address on one booking will update for all bookings for that guest and in the customer record.
You can export all your guests to a CSV file too by selecting the Export (CSV) button on the top right hand side of the page.
Whilst in Guests you have a few options to manipulate the data held:

Bookings. Click on the guests name bar and then the Bookings button and this will show all the bookings that person has made in a list.
Change Details. Here you can update the guest record and assign them to any Customer Lists you might be using.
Make Booking. Clicking on the guest then the Make Booking button drops you straight into the New Booking page to make a booking for that customer.
Delete. This deletes the Guest Record but any booking will still remain in the system.
Merge Customer. If you find two guest records with the same email address, you can click on one (to make it the primary record) and merge them together.