Search, amend, move or cancel a booking

How to search, amend, move or cancel a booking.

How to search for a booking

How to amend a booking

How to move a booking

How to cancel a booking


You may search for a booking as the guest has requested a change, to check the emails sent to them, or to view any additional information. You can search for a booking from the Dashboard or from the Manage Bookings list. You can search using the following options:

- Booking Ref
- Booking Alias
- Customer Alias
- Company Name
- First Name
- Last Name
- Group Name
- Post Code
- Phone Number
- Email Address 
- Car Reg

The dashboard search will only show you bookings that are active on the Dashboard. 
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To find a booking on the manages booking list you can search by a specific field or ALL FIELDS.

There are additional features to help you narrow down your search such as the ability to change your date range (and save for future reference).

Please note: if you are searching for a cancelled booking, you MUST tick the 'Cancelled' tick box before your search.

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You can amend any of the booking information such as the dates, unit, costings, extras and party members.

Open up the booking from the Dashboard, Diary or the Manage bookings list.

Select the 'Make Changes' button on the top right hand side of the booking.
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Once you have done this you can make the amendments you wish to your guests booking.

Please note: If you are changing the price of the booking you must reset the costs by selecting the refresh cogwheels. If you wish to automate this process for all bookings, you can change this within your settings under your initials > Your Account.

This will recalculate the costings for ANY changes you make to the booking. 
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Once you have made any changes, a Save Changes button will appear at the top right of the screen, make sure you click that and you can then decide to notify the guest.


You may want to move a booking to a different pitch, or to alternative dates.

Firstly, ensure the booking has been unticked as UNMOVEABLE.
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You can then select 'Make Changes' and change the specific unit.

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Alternatively, head over to the Diary and click and drag the booking to new unit/dates.


To make a booking inactive you will need to cancel it. Cancelling a booking will free up the booked dates and make them available to book again. If you do not cancel a booking then the dates will be unavailable to book.


Find the booking on the Dashboard or Manage Bookings list.

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Select the booking once and then select 'Cancel'. You can then decide if you want to notify the guest and issue a credit.

Please note: refunds are only for recording purposes on the software, you will need to refund the guest through your bank or payment provider.