Party Details

Collecting specific guest information on each person in the booking

Party Details: Config>Structure>Party Details>Choose Category & Unit

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By default your Anytime Booking account will ask for the contact details of the main Party Member only. The person who creates an account and pays 

You can ask for additional information on each Party Member (each guest) by updating settings in Party Details on a specific Unit. If you have two categories, one for camping and another for self-catering, you may choose only to collect additional information on those staying in cottages.

This configuration page is split into three sections

  • Main Billing Details. phone numbers and car registration
  • Party Member Details (Specific Party Members). Will appear for each specific party member. You won't want to ask for ages of any Adults, for example. 
  • Party Member Details (All Party Members) If you uncheck the main party member, these fields appear for every person in the booking. 

If you add any fields and want to retrospectively add the information to the booking, you can do this by clicking on Make Changes. Then select the field you wish to add or change and click Save Changes to update the booking.

If you have a motorhome hire account with us, you will spot extra fields to allow you to collect the Driving Licence Number, Issuing Authority and occupation on each person.