How to add a note to a booking

How to add admin, customer and housekeeping notes to bookings

There are three types of notes that you can use to manage your bookings – found under the ‘Notes’ tab in each individual booking.

Admin/In House notes
are for you to share within your business. If you need to give another member of staff information about the booking then you do so here. These notes are not seen by the customer.

Customer Notes are for you to share with your customers and within your business. A customer note can be placed in an email or invoice. You can use them to acknowledge a special request or inform your customer of a detail regarding their booking.  Customer notes are placed in an email or invoice via the use of a token.

Housekeeping Notes are for you to share with your cleaning staff. The housekeeping notes are shown on the housekeeping report.

Every note entered displays the staff member’s initials and the time the note was made – this allows you to keep track of who has had contact with your customer.