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How do I integrate to Touch Stay?

How to automate the sending of invitations for confirmed bookings

Touch Stay integrates with Anytime Booking to import your units and then automate the sending of invitations for confirmed bookings.

If you don’t have a Touch Stay account yet then you can sign up here for a free 14-day trial.

Once you have a Touch Stay account, let us know. You'll need an API key from us at Anytime. Our support team can provide you with one to connect to Touch Stay.

Once you have the API key from us, head to your Touch Stay account page and follow the steps in this simple guide prepared by them.

Touch Stay Integration Guide


Lastly, once the guide has been set up within Touch Stay you can head into your Pre Arrival templates within Anytime and add the Touch Stay token.

This provides your guest with a link to their personalised guide, which will have their name and booking dates on the first page. This really helps to give a personal touch before they even walk through the door.


There is no charge on Anytime's side to connect to Touch Stay.