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  2. Connections
  3. Connecting with OTAs using iCals

Connect to Travel Chapter

We have a 2-way iCal connection to Travel Chapter


This connection will work if you are able to obtain iCals from Travel Chapter. Only certain brands within the Travel Chapter family can offer ical connections.
If you have an established listing with Travel Chapter we suggest that you speak to your Account Manager to check whether you are eligible and provide you with iCals.

Please note: iCal will send basic availability up to your channel, and then basic booking data will be pushed to Anytime Booking. We check this iCal every 15 minutes.

You may wish to edit each booking from Travel Chapter once imported into the system, to ensure your required information is set against the booking. We only import the booked dates.



Calendar exporting lets you send your Anytime Booking availability to Travel Chapter. All bookings and blocked off periods will be sent in your exporting iCal feed.

To export your calendar

  1. In your Anytime Account head to Configuration under your Initials in the top right of the page
  2. Scroll down to iCal Feeds
  3. Select the relevant Category, Unit and Sub Unit if you have these in the drop down boxes.
  4. Here you will see your Export iCal URL.
  5. Email these to your Account Manager

Please remember that they read our iCal feeds every 20 minutes. 


Calendar importing allows you to automatically keep your Anytime Booking calendar up to date from Travel Chapter using an iCalendar format.

To Import their calendar 

  1. Request your iCal URL's from your Account Manager
  2. Once you have the export URL's, please email this with the correlating unit at support@anytimebooking.co.uk for our support team to add these iCals to your account
  3. We will read their iCal feeds on the next 15 minute window for booking data once we add this to your account for you.

Remember we can only receive the arrival and departure dates and create a booking using this information.


We can only send booking and block data. If you close a unit from availability by removing a rate band then remember this information will not send to the channel to close their end.