Collecting Payments from your Guests

Connect your Anytime account to Stripe, PayPal, Opayo, WorldPay.

We support Stripe, PayPal, Opayo and WorldPay payment gateways.

Stripe and Paypal are payment gateway which do not require a merchant account and are only used for taking online payments. 

If you are looking to handle telephone payments, then Opayo and WorldPay will offer a merchant account for handling different types of payment transactions. 

With all payment gateways integrated with Anytime, we will redirect your guest to the payment gateway's hosted payment screen. All monies are held within your gateway and transferred directly to you. We'll just track the payment and update the bookings. 

What is a merchant account? 

A Merchant Account which gives you a Merchant Number is needed to operate through one of the following payment gateways. Merchant accounts often take several weeks to set up and require a fair amount of paperwork.

In most cases you do not need your Merchant Account to be with the same provider as your Payment Gateway.

These become cheaper to use than PayPal or Stripe if you are likely to be taking more than 50-100 transactions a month.

Please Note: In most cases you will need to set up two Merchant Account numbers for your Payment Gateway as follows:

  1. A MOTO (Mail Order, Telephone Order) number to allow you to take payment over the phone for telephone bookings AND

  2. An eCommerce number allows guests to proceed with an online payment by card when making a booking via Anytime Booking.

Anytime Booking doesn’t hold the guest's money, we only point your guest to the payment gateway as a redirection from your booking page. At this point the payment is collected to the gateway's secure web page.  

Provider: Opayo (formerly SagePay)


Sign up to Opayo here. 


Provider: WorldPay/FIS
Account Type Needed: Select Junior
