An overview of the different calendar widgets available to you to display availability on your website
As part of your setup fee we provide code for a standard 'search bar' or 'multi-unit grid' both show availability for parent units.Your web developer can amend the colours/themes of the calendar widget to match your website.
You can use our test website here to test the calendar widgets from a guests perspective.
Search Bar
Example of a standard search bar below:
Example of a styled search bar below:
Benefits of using a search bar:
Displays an image and description to your guests based on the 'parent unit'
Displays discounts after they select 'Search'
A 'Read More' button is displayed to take them back to more information on the website
You can set 'close matches' to show alternative availability to the date they have selected
Search results example:
Multi-Unit Grid
Example of a standard multi-unit grid:
Example of a styled multi-unit grid:
Benefits of using a multi-unit grid:
Shows all availability in one place (all categories/units)
Clearly shows arrival/departure dates
Pops up with a price on selected dates
Allows guest to click on the name e.g. Cherry to take them back to the specific web page
Additional Widget Options
Individual Calendars
As an addition, from within your Anytime account you can generate an individual calendar for each parent unit. A maximum of one calendar can be added to each page on your website to display specific availability. You can decide how many months you wish to show.
Example of standard individual calendar:
Example of a styled individual calendar:
Book Now Button
We will provide you with a link directly to the styled booking process, which you can then add to a 'Book Now' button on your website.
Please note: if you require any options other than the standard widgets we offer during the setup of your account, please let us know by contacting with your requirements and we can advise.