Automatically Cancel Provisional Bookings

How to automatically cancel Provisional Bookings

This feature will only cancel bookings made online by the guest who have not paid within your defined time period.

This feature does not affect any telephone bookings you make in a provisional state.

Go to Your Initials > Configuration > Units > Choose the unit you’d like to set this for > Then tick the ‘Automatically Cancel Provisional Bookings’ to enable > Then define the number of hours you prefer. There is a maximum of 100 hours, or just over 4 days.

You will need to have both the Provisional and Cancelled booking email templates enabled to use this feature. 


How do I keep a Provisional Booking

To stop the system from automatically cancelling a booking after your preferred time period, go to the booking in question and untick the provisional flag. This ensures that the booking is no longer provisional.


Can I still check if the system or a person cancelled a booking? 

When you look at your cancelled bookings, open the booking and you’ll see in red ‘this booking has been cancelled’. If there is no initials for the user, the system has automatically cancelled the booking for you.