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ANPR Barrier System Integration

Alpha Touch

We actively work with Alpha Touch, who work nationally around the UK. If you're looking for a barrier system solution, please deal directly with Alpha Touch in the first instance.

Contact details:

Adrian Brown
Technical Director
Alpha Touch Limited
T: 02380 811798
M: 07771 773310 
W: http://www.alphatouch.co.uk

The technology works by reading and capturing guest car registrations as they approach the entrance to client site. This info is fed back to the booking system to verify the registration taken at the point of booking. If the two match, the barrier opens.

Anytime Booking stores the data on an external server for the ANPR company to access and to grab the car reg.

Please Note - Once you have installed the relevant hardware on site - there will then be a one time integration fee in order for our developer team to build and configure the connection from the hardware to our software. Please contact sales@anytimebooking.co.uk for a quote.

The ongoing maintenance cost of this integration is £20/month, taken alongside client licence fee.