How to change or amend a booking

Making changes to a created booking

There are many reasons why you might want to amend a booking – your customer may want to change the dates they’re staying, the duration of their stay or how many party members are coming.

Please see below for video instruction:

Please see below if you prefer to follow written instructions:

Firstly select 'Manage Bookings' on your navigation bar.

Then enter the customer’s name or the booking reference number into the box next to Search and the search will draw back results.


After this you must then click on the booking and click the red button ‘View Booking'.

You will then be taken into the booking to a page similar to the one below:

Screenshot 2021-07-02 at 06.47.16

You should then click Make Changes which is located at the top right of the screen.

Once you have done this you can make the amendments you wish to your customer booking!

Please note: If you are changing the price of the booking you must reset the costs by selecting the refresh cogwheels.

Once you have made any changes, a Save Changes button will appear at the top right of the screen, make sure you click that and you can then decide to notify the guest.